Some sites are heavy with content while others are lean with content. Whichever method you adopt this steps will still work for you.

Video Marketing
This currently works wonders for attracting traffic for my sites. All you to do is create a video of about 2-3mins long and with your link on it and post it to various social sites like Facebook, Squidoo, etc. Then sit to see massive traffic come in.
Forum Marketing
Register in highly targeted forums in your niche and post helpful contents for people to benefit from. Also help solve people’s problems and then leave your signature file in there. Do not scam and never ask people to see your site for more details, without saying it they will come, if what you are giving out is great stuff.
Affiliate Programs
This is one of the best ways to pull in massive traffic if you are a product owner.
This way you get more leads than you can ever cope for. It is very inexpensive as you only pay for the sales not just the leads. To make your affiliate more successful you need to provide them with tools for success.
Use Ezine ads
This is a great way to get fast qualified traffic to your site. Write a great copy and place them on ezines. These places already have targeted willing audience. The publishers have good relationship with his subscribers in which you are tapping into for a low fee; also you get creditability as a bonus.
CPA marketing
This is the current market buzz. You need to tap into its powers, as CPAs will get you traffic in less then 12hrs! Yes, they are very good in this. And not just traffic, good sale at that same time is very possible. Work with one and get connected to them.
There you go. Go implement any of these and get great traffic to your site in 24hrs!
Dan Ohis.

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