In real estate they say the 3 most important words are location, location, and location. Sure, for internet marketing business, I dare say the 3 most important words are Traffic, Traffic, and traffic.
Let’s examine this freeway called Massive traffic freeway.
It is estimated that more than 1-billion people get online daily and that is about 30billion repeat visits every month! That is massive.
We need to get some slice of that traffic. How? Let dive into this post and see what we can do to benefit from this statistic.
Just having a beautiful website or blog is not enough, even with the best of content if you have no traffic, you will be like a beautiful woman with no suitors! If you are into monetizing your site/blog then without traffic you will be broke and frustrated.
Massive traffic strategies are a must if you will ever make any impression on the Net. To do this you need to convert these hordes of people strolling daily into this massive freeway!
Divert their attention to your site or blog and then you are in for some surprises as some of them could be very loyal to your blog, especially if you got valuable content.
There are 7 strategic places you need to position your blog to get a big bite of this traffic.
They are:
The Interception of traffic
A Toll-Gate keeper
A Cop directing traffic
At a bend giving alternative to the main stream
Accidental traffic
Seasonal traffic
Forced traffic
I will be explaining these traffic methods in a series, and how you need to position your blog to get all this traffic even if you are using a free blog like blogger or wordpress.
First, let get some thins straight;
1. Determine your audience
Before we delved into these strategies, you must first determine your audience, you cannot get all these people to your site, just a tiny % is enough. People go online for various reasons, so first determine your audience.
2. What are the demographics of your audience?
You need to know their age range, their likes and dislikes, are they more of women, men, old or young. Are they students or workers of a particular segment of the economy, location? You need to know this first so as to know where to direct your energies.
3. Is your niche seasonal or runs through the year?
Why do you need to determine this? This is very important, as it helps you to know how to position your blog for massive conversion. In traffic generation, timing and seasons matters a lot.
4. Where do your prospects normally hang out?
Do they have a forum they gather round week in and week out?
Is there a hot product they are clustery about?
What do they do at their spare time?
5. Forecast their taste and trend
You may be wondering how do you do this. Easy find those who around you in that niche and asked them. All humans are ideally the same, only the intensity of our behaviors differs. You can also go to forums and ask them, they will tell you.
6. What questions are they asking?
Find out the questions on their lips. Find out what they are talking about; find out what they are commenting about in other blogs and niches.
7. What are other blogs/authors writing about?
You need to know, what the current news is all about in your niche so you can take advantage of this and divert the traffic to your blog.
8. Find out what the “gurus” or the established names in your niche are promoting
The gurus are not called that that for fun. They are the masters of your niche. They’ve seen it all and have mastered the game. Go to their sites and copy what they are doing and repeat on yours.
Good. If you can genuinely get answers to these questions then I will say 50% of the deal is done. One of the keys of creating massive traffic to your site is knowing how to find the customer who are looking for you. Most people get online daily without a destination that is they literally drive out of their parks into this traffic freeway without s destination and if you can attract them with what you have to offer, then you can make them come by and see what you got.
Some of the methods I will be sharing I have used to drive hordes of people to my various sites. One particular site attracted more than 30,000 unique visitors after just 7 days of going live!
Traffic won’t naturally come to you even if you do great search engine optimization, the truth is the search engines are changing the rules of the games often that you stand a slim chance, but there are other subtle ways to corner this traffic market. So we need to find a way to go bring the traffic to your site.
In the coming weeks I will show you the sure fire ways to do this for free and other with few dollars.
The knowledge of the massive traffic freeway will help you position your site for maximum benefit. I call it the Bee-way!
Places to find your prospect
Where do you think you prospect live online?
Your prospect can be found in the following places:
They read specialized magazines an d newsletters
They joined online clubs and organizations
They network online and participate in online seminars (webinars)
They frequent specialized site
They trade links with suppliers
They advertise width some particular search engines
They go to online stores
They listen to particular news channel
They are interested in some particular sport
They use some particular services as their email carrier
The key here is being market proactive and implementing the strategies I will be showing you in the following weeks.
Let’s take a break now. Don’t miss my next post on this. It will be hot and revealing.
To your success,
Dan Ohis.
PS: please leave a comment.

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