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Friday, February 19, 2010

How to Make Money online? Then Don’t Listen to The Gurus.

I know this post will raise some eyebrows and I may receive some knocks for this, but what I really care about know is the truth and helping fellow internet marketers who has been struggling online from time to time only to be fleeced by the so called gurus who main duty is to hype sell and sell and recycle the same methods with different names.
At first all I did was to listen and follow the gurus. I bought a lot of materials and tried all I could but no way. I did all I was told. But I found out some of the gurus advice though ok was too advanced for a beginner like me. The gurus love to complicate simple process; they give simplicity another name by using vocabularies just to advertise their expertise in their field. This I don’t argue is good, but my friend I am not making money online.
Who is this post targeted at?
First of all, if you've struggled with getting your online business up and running and things are getting tough by the day and “information overload” please take this post and the advice I will be sharing with you at heart you have just started online and you don’t want to waste too much time drifting to nothingness, I have observed that the gurus sell us the wrong roadmaps so that we can continue to feed them fat from our ignorance and frustration, so we always come back to them for the latest fad. Whereas all along nothing new is happening just another form of the basic principles.
As the day and night remains winter and summer will never cease, the sun will always rise from the east, nothing new.

I learnt that the gurus are regular people who have learned the basics and perfected them. But instead of advising you to follow the basics they compounded it. The gurus make you believe you can make six figure dollars in a year! Worse still in a month! Then you are fire up and get the e-book, software and CDs, after trying for some time you realise it’s a dream. Yes a long term dream, what the guru didn’t say is that there is a process and the process takes time.

Forget making six figures in a month even in a year if you want to be successful online. Aim at the stars but forget hitting it in your first effort. What makes you a millionaire is not the million dollars you have in your account, but the person you become while making the millions. If you pass through a process to your millions you can replicate that process at any time. And that is the idea.
It's not the first $100,000 - it's the first $1. It's not a 10,000 mail list. It's a list that grows one PERSON at a time, day in and day out. It is a process that works, it produces result, and it’s been tested over time.

The big problem I have with the gurus is that their solutions for making money online can only be use by fellow gurus like them; this completely makes sense as they are now living the guru lives. They have the list, they have the money for testing, resources to outsource and can even have JVs before lunches and get most of these e-books for free to try it first and endorse, they are easily accepted into Cpa networks unlike the regular guy, who is 99% trying to make a dime online.

As the economy condition of the world is facing great challenges many are having a second look at the online business.
Don’t get me wrong the gurus have and will always help to advance the frontiers of internet marketing. What I am advocating in this post is that as a newbie or a struggler what you need is not the so called advance tactics but the first success practical steps not following the guru’s ways of marketing, looking at the basics and following after them.

Instead of copying the gurus, there are basic system that are incremental and don’t change, they are not sexy and flashy as the gurus portray but they work every day.
These are systems that work for REGULAR people. People who want to make money online, but don't want to spend years and years trying to become a guru.
You don't need to work harder. You need to work SMARTER.
Create a SIMPLE system. Then build on it slowly. There's no such thing as "get rich quick". But with the internet, there IS such a thing as "get rich relatively quick..."

Just focus on starting with 1 subscriber and building it a bit each day. And it
will amaze you how quickly your income will grow once you go back to the basics and keep things SIMPLE.
Albert Einstein the greatest scientist of the 20th century defined Insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The bottom-line is: how bad do you want to change your life? Are you willing to try something different, even if it's not sexy and doesn't promise overnight riches?
I think the writing is on the wall. If you're like most people I've spoken to, you've probably been trying to build an online business for many months (and in some cases, years) with almost NOTHING to show for your efforts...

But all that can change right now! Just follow the basics!

So that brings me to the question in your mind, what are the basics?
Good question.
Here they are:
1. Squeeze Page – A must have. Build the list.
2. Free Gift – Give value to your list and others
3. Build relationship – bond with your list and be involve with them
4. Thank You Page-Appreciate them and create more value for them using OTO especially $1- $5 bills
5. Free Traffic Generation- get traffic easily and learn how to convert them to sales.
6. Taking action- Daily take action on your business is the trick.
7. Mentorship- Go for mentorship with someone who is really got time for you.

That is it? Yes.
Simple but deadly effective. This is all the gurus are selling with different languages, tools and brand names.

I advise you don’t spend any dime online any more for e-books (especially a newer version of a product) except you start seeing results. Only invest in mentorship, your tools for business enhancement and be expectant always. Stop your ears from the noise out there and concentrate on your work-building your online business and in months to come you could easily say like the great musician R. Kelly ‘the storm is over now….’
Follow it and you won’t be wrong.

Share and enjoy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This MARKETER makes 759.46 per day Without Selling Anything...

I don't have much to say now as I am working on a new material that
will benefit my readers alot. But I saw something of interest to
me and thought it wise to share it with you.

It seems impossible but there's a method to getting paid
hundreds and even thousands a day...

...without selling a single thing.

It's called the *Clickbank Affiliate Loophole* and you
can see what it is here:

The clickbankaffiliate loophole

There are raving testimonies about this product and they are real.
See if you can benefit from it.
I advise you get to the site before you say any word of disbelieve.
And if you are like me you should quickly take your copy before they
are snatched up or you can let it pass!

Here is the link again:

The clickbankaffiliate loophole

Go see for yourself.

later dude.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Make Your Subscribers Stick to You for Life

Some years ago when I was a bit younger there is this uncle of mine who always likes coming to our house for dinner. He would sneak in with the pretension that he wanted to watch the news at our place, the exact time he knows we would be having dinner. At first his was a welcome development but as time went on we noticed that he was becoming more of a nuisance to us than a needed company. So we planned to put an end to his uncanny act!

Guess what we did?

We simply changed our dinner time to an earlier time and when he came and found that there was no more room for his wiles. He got the message and stopped bothering us!
Why did I tell this story? Correlation.

Yes some marketers wonder why their list is going down instead of increasing due to some subscribers de-listing from their list. This is obvious for the same reason we stopped my Uncle from coming to our house for dinner. This to many is a big problem which I will try to address in this post.

What makes subscribers stick to a list for years without thinking of delisting? Coincidence, carefree attitude of the list owner or chance? I hope you know none of this gives the right answer to this question.

I totally subscribed to the fact that the conscious effort of the list owner to create a lasting relationship with his list eventually creates a bond between them that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

I sincerely believe to be always welcome any where you need to be a value adder, a carrier of good news and a great motivator. These qualities will endear you to the minds of your subscribers and they will long to read your mails and take action on whatever advice you give.

Delisting from your list will never occur to them.
I recently had to unsubscribe from many list just for breaking these simple rules of Email marketing-giving your list value time after time.
Here are the reasons I unsubscribe from some list over the weekend and I noticed there are some list I could not click on the unsubscribed link in their mails.
These people have done 90-95% of the reasons mention below.
I also noticed some of them are ‘gurus’ and some though not gurus where playing by the rules. So it don’t really matter who you are if you can play by the rules your subscribers will still stick with you.

Now here are the reasons I de-listed from some list over the weekend:

• They were no more creating value for me. Too much hype and promotion stuff.
• Some of them have not positioned themselves in my mind as someone who is serious or an expert that knows what they are doing.
• They were not consistent in their mailing. Some last sent me a mail 3months ago!
• Did not build a relationship with me. Did not make a effort to connect with me.
• Were not sending good stuffs, only sent junks or poor materials or recycle news on the net.
• Not try to be caring and did not really show signs to help or assist in any form
• Be truthful and be simple. Show some mastering, expertise to display at what you do
• Seems to be promoting old stuff and methods not relevant in today marketing techniques.
• Not seeking out great JV partnership, which builds your reputation online
• Video marketing is very persuasive I easily bond with marketers who use it to communicate with me.
• I stayed subscribed with those who asked me to email them at any time and when I did they replied my email.
• I kept those who consistently sent me their own e-books either for free or for a fee.
• I kept those who are recognised as gurus in the niches I am operating in and they have proved it.
• Those whose main job of sending me mails was centre on promotion, I discarded them.
• I kept those who are teachers/ trainers, this you can easily tell through their blogs or emails

So I kept those who I knew are a continuous value adder to me. And if you want your list to do the same to you find a way to implement the above for your list. Working on your list from time to time has a long term rewards, believe me.

As the saying goes good radiance to bad rub…..

Have fun and share around.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

46 Things a Great Headline Will Do for You

A great headline could do so many things for you if you will take the time to write it. A great headline does not just come by; you need to invest time and attention to it. The headline is the only part of your copy or content that your readers has to see if they come across your way through any print media, so its like your PR image maker. So I will advice you invest in it. Here are some 46 things your headline will do for you. These are not by any means exhaustive.

1. Your headlines are attention grabbers for your content
2. They increase traffic to your site
3. You can become an expert for copywriting
4. Helps you gain followers and subscribers
5. They reveal the benefits of your product
6. They provoke your readers to taking action
7. It can summarize your content such that the reader knows what to expect
8. Reveals your promise to the readers
9. It’s a key element in making your marketing a success
10. Reveals what people loves, what their passion is all about at the moment
11. It can reveal the present trend in a particular niche
12. Help you to use space, time and effort
13. It can be use to create a trend
14. Can be a great link to an affiliate page
15. Can help you make more cash easily
16. You can talk to a large crowd of people who may not read your content
17. A good headline will reveal a testimony for you
18. It helps to show what others think about you, your product etc
19. People are attracted to stability, use your headlines to create one for them
20. Headline can be a call to action for the readers to do something
21. Your headline can help in making your readers want to interact with you
22. It can reveal your intentions as a writer
23. It can be a pointer to a particular direction for your readers
24. Can deter your readers from opening the page or arouse curiosity
25. Can help to announce an exciting news or something of high interest to your readers
26. It helps to reveal who you are targeting-your audience
27. Your headlines can create credibility for you
28. Help you present an irresistible offer
29. It can be use to pre-qualify your readers, so eliminating those who will may not benefit from your content
30. Can present you as an authority in your field
31. Can caused an implied effect that can lead to a caused-effect relationship
32. Leads to high search engine indexing, and SEO rankings
33. Can make your readers to like you and increase your likeability in your niche
34. Tells the language of your audience
35. Place you in the minds of your readers who may forget your content but not the headline.
36. Reveals the keywords the writer is targeting
37. As an expert in headlines copy, you can create lots of products from it
38. Helps the writer to think on its content and remain focus
39. Helps you as a writer to write quickly, as it serves as a source of ideas
40. Create an appeal to vanity, opinions, emotions etc
41. Can create a dream, fantasy with your headlines
42. Can create a social proof for the writer
43. It will help you in understanding human nature better
44. Can be use as a brand to propagate your marketing campaigns
45. They can be repeated and reuse all over again
46. A great headline sells like hot cake.

Share and enjoy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How to Convert Your Content to Cash

At times new comers to the internet marketing business struggle to make a living online, it becomes a thing that most becomes desperate and others frustrated. Especially if using the content marketing avenue.
Many ask how I convert my content to cash.
Well the answer lies within the writer.

You need to find a way to get to the heart of your readers and let them like you and trust you. Show them that you are after their interest; if that is settled you easily make sales from them. Remember if they are not buying from you they are buying from someone else.
I will try to give some suggestions on how to convert your content to cash.

1. Reward your Readers Always
This seems obvious but not practised. Each time they receive an email from you let them be glad they did. Let they rush to open your mails or click to the sites you are referring them to. Why will they do this?
You reward them always. You surprise them.

You can do this by:
a. By solving a need that they might have presently
b. By entertaining them
c. By giving them suggestions to carry out that will increase their confidence
d. By granting them access to you
e. By making cookies for them- giving them what they really need and want

If this is done consistently it will create a bond between you and your readers and many will like to subscribe to you. And follow your tweets and leads.

2. Show your self as a friend and an expert
People don’t love expert who are not friendly. They believe they are pompous and they hardly learn from them. That is why you probably didn’t like your Math teacher, he knew the subject quite alright but he was not friendly. He was imposing; he didn’t let you learn at your pace he was using the school’s calendar. Well he may be right because he has a lot of ground to cover.
But in real life if you need to make impact you need to first be a friend. Show some understanding to your readers. Empathise with them and admit weakness if there is a place for one that will encourage them to aspire to continue. Don’t give them you are too dumb attitude.

Never claim to be a guru let them call you by that. Let them know where your loyalty lies- the money or their progress.
When people see they are making progress from your advice they will stand to be counted when you suggest an e-book or software that will help them the more. We buy things from those we know and trust.

3. Tell first and Sell later
This principle is the secret of great marketers. They tell you a lovely story first and when they see you are hooked they smartly introduced their product to you and before long you have purchased from them and keep ordering for more.
Don’t try to sell in your first mails, keep your sales skills at bay!
First create a relationship. Tell stories that will lead to your final product introduction. Do a romance with your readers; court them with words of confidence and interest. Point them to great materials and sites. Easily tell them to ask you questions and do try to answers promptly.
Then as you introduce your product tell them the benefits they stand to gain. Tell them how the product has helped you and others you know. Be truthful. Never, ever promote what you don’t trust! form here you can make sales easily. See how phillip mansour uses this to make sales in Banner ad Blueprint.
Give a clear call to action. Tell them what to do. Here is where I see many lose it. They never tell their client what to do next. I noticed people love to follow. They love to be told what to do. So tell them where to click. Tell them what to buy, tell them the guarantees involved in buying that product, and assure them that you will personally give them the money back if the product doesn’t do what it claims to do. You need to be savvy but don’t over sell. Readers hate it when all you do is to sell.
Use your content to build this kind of relationship, and then you can confidently ask for the sale.
Never be afraid to ask when you have the relationship. As someone wisely said you cannot make a withdrawal where you haven made a deposit!

So here you are. What are you going to do with this information?
Apply it or let it slip by? I suggest you make out a plan to see how you implement this promptly then you will likely make your online story a successful one, for knowledge not applied quickly slips away.
Go see if you can build great relationships from your list today.

Happy list building.