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Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Make Your Subscribers Stick to You for Life

Some years ago when I was a bit younger there is this uncle of mine who always likes coming to our house for dinner. He would sneak in with the pretension that he wanted to watch the news at our place, the exact time he knows we would be having dinner. At first his was a welcome development but as time went on we noticed that he was becoming more of a nuisance to us than a needed company. So we planned to put an end to his uncanny act!

Guess what we did?

We simply changed our dinner time to an earlier time and when he came and found that there was no more room for his wiles. He got the message and stopped bothering us!
Why did I tell this story? Correlation.

Yes some marketers wonder why their list is going down instead of increasing due to some subscribers de-listing from their list. This is obvious for the same reason we stopped my Uncle from coming to our house for dinner. This to many is a big problem which I will try to address in this post.

What makes subscribers stick to a list for years without thinking of delisting? Coincidence, carefree attitude of the list owner or chance? I hope you know none of this gives the right answer to this question.

I totally subscribed to the fact that the conscious effort of the list owner to create a lasting relationship with his list eventually creates a bond between them that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

I sincerely believe to be always welcome any where you need to be a value adder, a carrier of good news and a great motivator. These qualities will endear you to the minds of your subscribers and they will long to read your mails and take action on whatever advice you give.

Delisting from your list will never occur to them.
I recently had to unsubscribe from many list just for breaking these simple rules of Email marketing-giving your list value time after time.
Here are the reasons I unsubscribe from some list over the weekend and I noticed there are some list I could not click on the unsubscribed link in their mails.
These people have done 90-95% of the reasons mention below.
I also noticed some of them are ‘gurus’ and some though not gurus where playing by the rules. So it don’t really matter who you are if you can play by the rules your subscribers will still stick with you.

Now here are the reasons I de-listed from some list over the weekend:

• They were no more creating value for me. Too much hype and promotion stuff.
• Some of them have not positioned themselves in my mind as someone who is serious or an expert that knows what they are doing.
• They were not consistent in their mailing. Some last sent me a mail 3months ago!
• Did not build a relationship with me. Did not make a effort to connect with me.
• Were not sending good stuffs, only sent junks or poor materials or recycle news on the net.
• Not try to be caring and did not really show signs to help or assist in any form
• Be truthful and be simple. Show some mastering, expertise to display at what you do
• Seems to be promoting old stuff and methods not relevant in today marketing techniques.
• Not seeking out great JV partnership, which builds your reputation online
• Video marketing is very persuasive I easily bond with marketers who use it to communicate with me.
• I stayed subscribed with those who asked me to email them at any time and when I did they replied my email.
• I kept those who consistently sent me their own e-books either for free or for a fee.
• I kept those who are recognised as gurus in the niches I am operating in and they have proved it.
• Those whose main job of sending me mails was centre on promotion, I discarded them.
• I kept those who are teachers/ trainers, this you can easily tell through their blogs or emails

So I kept those who I knew are a continuous value adder to me. And if you want your list to do the same to you find a way to implement the above for your list. Working on your list from time to time has a long term rewards, believe me.

As the saying goes good radiance to bad rub…..

Have fun and share around.