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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My challenge: Can you Define your Online Marketing Success?

Success is a relative term for all men. What is success to some is not to another.
If you don’t define this parameter you may be following the wrong things online.
The internet is like a big ocean; so many things to follow and you got to choose what you want else you will be drifting far from success.

What do you think will be your online success point?
For some it’s making dollars (major point for many)
A beautiful website?
Lots of traffic daily?
Fulfillment in adding value to others
A great renowned blogger?
Launching your own product?
Creating your first video and pasting on Youtube?
Making a consistent sales of 5 figures monthly
Having your own forum?
Making your first $5000 online?
Ability to design your own web sites without outsourcing them?
Creating your first software? etc

Whatever it is, I advise you to define it now. And share it with whoever cares to listen.
If you do this singular factor well, it can stand you out in the crowded online world. It will become a brand name for you, which in itself create authority for you in that area.

Also I will also advise that you give your success point a time line for it to propel you to work hard. Tell people this is what I want to do in 3/6/9/12 months time, it creates what we call lifting power( power to do), as others will be reminding you and watching out for this success point and it can become your logo online e.g. if we call the name Ewen Chia, SAW comes to mind. (Secret Affiliate Weapon).
After you achieve this, create another in that same direction until you become a master in that field.

To succeed and grow fast in this crowded business, you need to;
Become a master at something! And know a bit of others.

Here is my next success point,
I want to rank #1 or #2 for 7 of my sites in Google and Yahoo search engines in 3 very profitable niches in the next 90 days.
Tall order? Hmm... Yet achievable.
I am on my way there; just a matter of time.

My challenge to you is do you have a defining success point? If yes be bold to share it here and see the wonders it will proper in you to become effective in your efforts.
If this is your first time here, go ahead and tell us what you will go out and do in the next 7days e.g. open a free website like blogger or wordpress, etc.

In life, until you define it, you can’t get it. It is the law of Essence,
Super affiliates use this all the time.
So what is yours?
Go ahead and Share it here.

Have fun in your efforts,