First focus on refining your niche and learning about your audience’s needs and wants
Once you know the most painful problems or the strongest desires of the people you connect with, focus your list building and content strategy on meeting that need
As you build your influence, find products that help deal with the same problems and motivations you’ve learned your audience has, and test some different promotions to see what sells
Focus your affiliate marketing efforts on fewer products and deeper promotions – by that I mean try and become a dominant affiliate for just one or two products by doing repeat promotions and testing different formats (reviews, email marketing, pod-cast interviews, etc) and then use that as a point of leverage to open doors to affiliates to promote your product, once you create one to sell
Always have your audience’s needs as a first priority, so put relationships before profits and don’t be afraid to say no (don’t be greedy for money, be greedy for helping people and you will make more money)
Cluster around those who are making progress in their affiliate business and have some of the as mentors. Have a participatory spirit as this will help you out on launching your product in the future.
Each success as an affiliate will help you take a step up the ladder to more success. Don’t forget as an affiliate marketer you need to work on your ground roots marketing too so you have a constant stream of new subscribers joining your lists. Successful affiliate marketing is not just performing well during launch time and attracting new partners for your own launch, it’s about building a business that delivers value to a target market who in return pay attention to you when you do affiliate promotions.
If you have any questions about affiliate marketing please feel free to leave comment replies and I’ll do my best to respond.
Dan Ohis.

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