Looking at your blog what is your online objective? are you pursuing direct advertising? Or affiliate programs promotions is your aim of generating some income?
You could also do product reviews but whatever you do make your blogs a source of income for you and your family. To make the above target, I realized you need to treat your blog as a business.
Let’s look at 7 ways you can treat your blog as a business,
1. Have a purpose for your blog
No enterprise succeeds without a proper laid down goal or purpose. You must be in it for a passionate reason or you will fade off. Set up your blog with a vision, it will direct all your activities. It will create an extra energy for you to continue with direction, focus and others will come to identify you with these great compasses for you blog.
2. Do systemic planning
Have a layout of what you want to achieve and place goals in each flash point of your blog history. These will help to measure your progress on this systemic business model. Know which model you want to pursue. What product are you going to promote? Which alliances do you need, do you want to build a list through your blog you need to plan all these and implement as your blog continue to grow.
3. Organised everything
Planning usually lead to great organization, so they say. But I’ve come to see that its not entirely true. You may know how to plan and still be a failure in organizing those plans into fulfilling your main objectives. You must organize your contents, your archives, your list, your setup must have s a network plan, such that your visitors will easily be led to do something on your blog. This creates professionalism and boost confidence for your potential investors.
4. Build trust and creditability
You must be consistent in posting high content that will give your readers a trust level towards your blog. You must be perceived as an icon in this niche in which you are blogging. Learn to under promise and over deliver as you promote various products. Never recommend crap to your readers. You also owe it to your readers to warn them of any scams out there. These things build loyalty, trust and credibility for you, and your blog rating increases.
5. Brand your blog
Millions of blog pops up daily on the net. To stand out you need to brand your blog. Cut out an edge for yourself create a logo, a unique domain name for your site, let this be use in all your emails, business cards, letter-heads paper etc. this create an image in the mind of your reader, this leads to greater confidence in you.
6. Have a business mindset
Mindset is the creator of our realities. Love what you do, but also make money from what you do. Business is excellence at display. So you must be professional in every of your effort. Continue to take takes that will lead to your blog success. Be a dreamer and a believer of your dreams. Never renege on what you can do. When you fail recapture your purpose and forge ahead.
7. Create a system
Develop a system of growth for your blog. Have a clear cut process of automation. Let every thing run on auto pilot without your interference. Your processes, your lead generations, monetization, email delivery, administration, content generation should meet some minimal standards, let all products and services from you adhere to these laid them standards and procedures.
There is a great ebook by Robb Sutton called Ramped Reviews that will help you as a blogger to take advantage of your blog for business purpose.
Go check it out here.
Dan Ohis.
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